Wednesday, May 28, 2008

A Journey with a Purpose

We went away to Smithers and stayed in a cabin on May 10th. We went on this trip to get away from our city, but also to buy something special. A canoe! We really wanted to get something to commemorate our relationship. Something that holds meaning for us as a couple and that will bring us many adventures.

There were many beautiful pieces of art by local artists in the cabin. There was no doorbell but a music box chime. We were served a very hearty and healthy European breakfast with homemade muesli, vegetable stuffed omelettes and homemade bread.

A Glitch in the Plans

We soon discovered that the canoe shop was closed. We called but there was no answer. We left a message pleading for someone to let us in the store so we could get a canoe. We drove 4 hours to buy this canoe. This was our only hope!! We were mad and irritated with each other and the world! Feeling lost, we decided to go for a hike and enjoy the beautiful scenery.


While hiking the canoe shop called and said they would open just for us on Sunday so we could get our canoe! HOORAY!


We bought some Raspberry PORTAGE (get it? ha, ha) And we celebrated and made plans for our future canoeing adventures.


It's brand new, burnished orange, 56 pounds and really sleek. It was handmade in Nelson, BC by the guy who actually sold it to us! We also have new paddling lifejackets and two toned wood Grey Owl paddles. Quite the set up! We stopped on the way home for a road side toast with stunning views!

Inaugural Paddle

Of course we had to try it out right away! Here we are on Prudhomme Lake.


That is how we got engaged!