Friday, September 24, 2010

Are we still North?

Can we still count? We moved to Victoria, BC. We are now living in farmland.
We sold most of our belongings at our garage sale held on our deck and left Prince Rupert on September 10 by ferry.
Can we still tell stories from the North? Why do I (sometimes we) blog? Is it to jar my memory of where we have gone and where we will yet go...?

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Good hiking and did I say GOOD FOOD?

We ate gourmet meals on our trip in the back country from the book - "Fork in the Trail". With our dehydrator anything was possible.

Train to Civilization

Though we feel that it was more civilized in the woods - needless to say we came back to Skagway by train after emerging from the forest at the end of our trail. We had just enough rations left for our train ride back!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

BULL-O-RAMA - Kitimat, June 12

Drive to a neighboring town called Kitimat and buy your ticket for BULL-O-RAMA (the name alone had me sold) taking place in the Tamitik (Kitimat spelled backwards) Arena. Watch real cowboys try for an 8 second ride to fame on bulls such as Van Helsing weighing in at 1800 lbs. No one could ride him for long. YEE-HAW! See the videos fer yerself:

A Weekend Getaway to our Neighbour Towns

Walks in the forest, a farmer's market, a canyon and more. Okay of course I was most impressed with BULL-O-RAMA but who wouldn't be!

Monday, April 26, 2010

A Weekend Adventure

Take the train from Prince Rupert to Smithers through forests and tunnels, and rivers and old up with some girls who befriended me at the civic centre. Go to a cabin in the woods and snowshoe to a lake! Or GT race at 9pm and it is still day light! Oh yeah, and eat copious amounts of sugar and decadent food the whole weekend!


It has finally happened - we are getting a new roof! After a very long wait - because it is hard to get someone to come and do your roof and the waitlists are soooo long - the new roof is happening! Check it out! Friends Dave and Shawn stop long enough for a flex pose and Aaron continues to smoke his pipe even while on the roof!

the lime green bike

Okay, I have the coolest bike now in the whole world! Vince remade this bike for me as an early one year wedding anniversary gift! I picked the colour for the bike. In 2007 we were on our way to a Van Tongeren family reunion in 100 mile house and as we whizzed by Clinton I saw the bike and bought it for $40.00! It was in a wretched state of disrepair and painted over with black paint.....and now - well see for yourself!!

The Lizard Costume

Yeah, yeah yeah, I know you have heard me going on about the lizard costume that I was making every waking moment outside of work. I didn't just make one by the way, but two for Harbour Theatre's production of Edward Albee's Seascape. It was too nice outside to be stuck indoors every weekend making the costumes so I solved that problem!!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Other Towns and Cities

in the true north strong and free, i sit tight
in other towns and cities
no one knows where I am
in the rain, the ocean, or forest
my usual playgrounds
here i am
way up here
i could only stay put
waiting it out
changed my clothes
put the heat on
wind is howling
like the wolves at our doorstep
tracks fresh
beside me on my skiis
one long breath and we part our ways
across the highway to nowhere

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

And other duties as required!

Being part of the recreation department means I get to do lots of fun community events - like dressing up as Dora and being in Prince Rupert's 100 year birthday party parade for kids -then hanging out in City Hall in the Council chambers after with my favourite coworkers!

Monday, March 8, 2010

RupertWrites Book Launch

RupertWrites held an International Women's Day writing contest organized by yours truly! A great night at the local coffee house reading poetry and prose.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Art Show

Art critic Jean-Pierre studies the recent collection of black and white photography featuring New Mexico at the newly opened Chimayo Gallery. Congratulations to artists in residence Michelle Willard and Vincent Van Tongeren for the great gallery show and food.