Friday, September 24, 2010

Are we still North?

Can we still count? We moved to Victoria, BC. We are now living in farmland.
We sold most of our belongings at our garage sale held on our deck and left Prince Rupert on September 10 by ferry.
Can we still tell stories from the North? Why do I (sometimes we) blog? Is it to jar my memory of where we have gone and where we will yet go...?

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Good hiking and did I say GOOD FOOD?

We ate gourmet meals on our trip in the back country from the book - "Fork in the Trail". With our dehydrator anything was possible.

Train to Civilization

Though we feel that it was more civilized in the woods - needless to say we came back to Skagway by train after emerging from the forest at the end of our trail. We had just enough rations left for our train ride back!