Sunday, September 30, 2007

Sunrise on the Babine

A couple weekends ago, my class went on a field trip east from Prince Rupert to explore some of the salmon enhancement and management facilities in the Skeena River system. In Kitwanga, the Gitanyow use a counting fence to track movement of salmon upriver, in Moricetown, a tag and re-capture program is in place, and at Fulton River, there is a massive spawning channel for sockeye. Never have I seen so many sockeye in one place - except maybe at the Adams River when I was a kid. We were treated to an amazing sunrise over Babine Lake - that's one of my classmates trying his luck with his fly rod.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Springy Thing

This fun toy for kids or adults is in a nearby playground by the seaplane base.
Yee-haw let's have fun on it! Though I admit that the chipmunk looks apprehensive...

Friday, September 21, 2007

New Port

Yes it's true. As some of you may have heard, Prince Rupert opened a new container shipping port. We went to the public festival opening which saw over 4000 people come out. Each guest was given a red plastic mug and a drink, as well as a fancy hat!!

New Port

It was such a nice sunny evening!

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

My Magic Pink Rubber Boots

With these boots I can communicate telepathically with my ex-roomie Veronika - only of course when she is wearing her Magic Pink Rubber Boots in Vancouver...

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

North Pacific Cannery

This is where I do some contract work for the museum.

North Pacific Cannery

The Cannery is located in Port Edward.

At the Cannery

The North Pacific Cannery Village is very impressive. You can walk throughout the entire fishing village on boardwalks elevated above the sea such as the one you see behind us.

First Day of School

Vince went off to school with his new pencil case, pencils, erasers, notebook and glue stick!

Pacific Mariner's Memorial Park

I have spent lots of time in this park reading and walking. This is a dramatic statue in the park dedicated to those lost at sea.

Rubber Boots in Use

We sure need them if it is really raining down.

Visitors to our City

Our city doubles in size twice weekly when we get a cruise ship like this one in our dock!

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Don't be Crabby!

Even if it is raining (and it is raining completely sideways today) you can still find lots of stuff to do outdoors. Like find a little friend on the beach.

Fungus Among Us!

I know Veronika would have loved our hike at Oona River where so many mushrooms were everywhere!

Sea Plane Base

Here is a shot of the sea plane base by our house.

Oona River

Oona River is a little fishing community and Vince got to take me with him for his 3 day field trip on Porcher Island. Here is Vince with some of his classmates.

Oona River

Vince and I were very pleased to partake in a crab boil and cedar plank salmon bake bbq at Oona River.

Oona River

Vince had to set traps with roe to catch some salmon fry to analyze for his field trip. I was really glad I got to go with him on the trip as it was all about salmon, salmon enhancement and protection projects and I was very excited!

Oona River

This Rainbow house was done up by a local resident of Oona River. Quite something!

Rugged and Wild

Northern Beauty

The scenery in Northern British Columbia is beautiful. Rugged and wild would best describe it.

Views from our House

Our house is located on Ambrose Avenue which overlooks the ocean and forest. Yesterday i found a footpath to get down to the water instead of walking though town. In this photo you can see it is sunny out and that my aloe vera plant and my spike (guzmania plant) are doing very well in our living room.


Hooray! A smurf house. Always have to have one of those in the neighbourhood. All my neighbours are really friendly and so they should be if they are smurfs. And my neighbourhood is located 15 minutes (by foot) from the downtown quaint little dock area and 15 minutes by foot to the sea plane base.

Corner Store

I haven't gone to P.J's yet but I was just thinking how I am craving chocolate. But it is raining quite heavily out there. Well I can't let that stop me. I gotta get used to it. In fact we have been lucky. There were just two weeks of hot sunny weather.


The town is rather hilly you could say. So some neighbours homes are way up there.


Well they are essentially my neighbours since they hang out in my back yard regularily. The grass is really long back there. I think it is going to stay like that for the fall and winter.


Even if it isn't real?! We saw this bear at the great roadside stop in Hope. We had to stretch out a big blanket under this bear and have a 30 minute nap before driving some more. We were just so tired from packing up our places and from the past two weeks of such whirlwind lists of stuff to do, people to see, jobs to quit and finish up, packing to be done and goodbyes to be made!

Spawn On!

On the drive we stopped to see the salmon spawn. GO SALMON GO! As you know, I love the mysterious ways of the salmon. This is a Coho salmon determined to make its way up the damn to get to the spawning grounds.

Caravan of Love

The move up to the north was quite an adventure. Vince drove a 50 foot caravan as you can see. We did the drive in three days and camped along the way. Luckily we had Trader Joe's Lime & Chilli peanuts! In fact I am also thankful that I have a new felted red purse, body lotions and shower gels, plants, sage aromatherapy, earrings, books, tea, pottery, writing paper and stamps, fish change purse, wine, african textiles, homemade soaps - WHEW!! Just some of the many going away/birthday gifts I received from the wonderful friends I am very thankful to have. I was sad as we left Vancouver but Vince cheered me up when he knocked over 50 bottles of windshield wiper fluid at the gas station on Burrard street as he tried to navigate the beastmobile. we laughed and peeled outta there as quick as a 50 foot caravan can.