Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Fall in the Nass Valley

Last weekend, we took a bit of a road-trip out of rupert to explore. After spending a rainy evening in the cedar motel in terrace, we awoke to semi-clear skies and snowy peaks and took a drive up to the Nass Valley, home of the Nisga'a Memorial Lava Beds, home of BC's most recent volcanic activity - just over 200 years ago. Amazing scenery up there, with fall colours, lichens growing everywhere on the lava rock (learned a bit about plant succession), far-away, massive peaks and surreal weather. Nisga'a legend has it some children were making fun of spawning salmon by sticking burning twigs in their backs as they were swimming up stream and laughing as the smoke poured from their backs. The eruption was punishment for forsaking the gift of the salmon and resulted in many thousands of villagers losing their lives in the lava flow.
Here's some shots of the scenery, and the trusty old toyota van that took us there.

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