Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Very Mysterious...

On a sunny Saturday on October 17, Vince and I drove out of Prince Rupert along highway 16 (the only highway out of here) and found ourselves within the true north, strong and free, rugged wilderness just outside the city limits. After an hour drive we went down a service road for about 20 minutes and left our car behind and set out in our rubber boots. We hiked up, up and up to get to one of our favourite isolated lakes. Silence, peacefulness, no signs of human activity. Once there we searched out the old hidden canoe tied up in the trees and paddled to the end of the lake and landed on a sandbar. It was there that we discovered something quite mysterious. Watch the video below to find out what....

1 comment:

Domin8trix said...

Cool sasquatch "foot"age. You should send it to the guy from Unsolved Mysteries. He could get to the bottom of this mystery, I know it.